Young people tell us that their parents are still their most trusted source of information and support – despite what we might think! So, if there is a young person that you think is in trouble or engaging in risky behaviour then try and talk to them. They need to know they aren’t in trouble and can come to you for help.
If you are worried about a young person, or feel you need more information and advice about certain topics then hopefully the links below will provide the support you need.
For information about knife harm please take a look at the VVU resources
For information about County Lines please take a look at the VVU resources and further information from the Children’s Society
For information about online grooming and exploitation visit The 2 Johns website for up to date information on social media channels, gaming consoles and smart phone apps
For support on all aspects of parenting – from babies through to teenagers visit the NSPCC’s parenting page
If you would like to see what youth clubs and groups are available for young people across Essex please visit the Essex Youth Map
If you want to know more about the work of the VVU please visit our homepage