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May 30 2024

Amazing week of engagement to address knife crime

We are pleased to report on the activity some of our funded projects and interventions took part in to raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime during Sceptre – the national knife crime intensification week held in May. The week is an opportunity to amplify the activity which takes place across the year to […]

May 16 2024

Sceptre: week of action on knife crime

This week (13 – 19 May) is the National Knife Crime Intensification Week – known as Sceptre – a week of activity across all Police Forces to amplify and showcase the work being done across the country to drive down knife crime. Essex continues to see a 7% reduction in knife enabled reported offences (year […]

May 09 2024

Fall in serious violence

A recent research report by Cardiff University found that serious violence fell substantially in England and Wales last year with the fall driven by reductions among 18- to 30-year-olds. Cardiff University’s Violence Research Group analysed data from hospital emergency departments, minor injury units and walk-in-centres in England and Wales in 2023. An estimated 141,804 people […]