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Youth voices project now live

We are really pleased to be working with Essex Council of Voluntary Youth Services (ECVYS) on the new Youth Voices Project.

This helps inform us of the issues and concerns affecting young people across Essex. The results of the youth voices project, married with the VVU business case and priorities for work, help us direct resources to the areas of Essex that need direct intervention and immediate support the most.

We have been listening to the views of children and young people for the last three years and thanks to these views have seen many exciting changes happen across greater Essex, including improvements in safer spaces for young people.

This year we are looking for five groups from each district to participate in the project. Groups can take part if they run youth sessions with young people aged 11-25yrs as a part of an officially recognised charity or organisation and have at least 15 young people to participate.

ECVYS have designed a question-and-answer session that uses games to promote discussion around each question. Groups that take part will receive a £90 donation, a way of us investing back into the voluntary sector and thanking those who take part.

Funding is limited, so all groups need to have confirmed their place by emailing [email protected] to ask for a space and a session plan